Student Handbook
VE Student Handbook
Dear Valencia Elementary Parents and Students,
Welcome to Valencia Elementary and the 2023-2024 school year where our learners of today become leaders of tomorrow.
On behalf of the staff at Valencia Elementary, we are happy to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year. We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our students are successful in their educational endeavors. We will continue to enhance our students’ learning experience with technology and provide the best in person learning environment possible.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs. Suzanne Chavez, Principal
Mrs. Sheresa Jaramillo, Assistant Principal
VE Student Handbook
- General Information
- Parent Teacher Conferences/Early Release
- All Learner Days
- Alternative Language Services
- Bullying/Cyberbullying
- Classroom placements
- Dress Code
- Emergency Drills
- Enrollment Procedures
- Field trips
- Films/Videos
- homework
- Lost & Found
- Non-Educational Items
- parking
- Positive Behavior Supports
- Promoting Positive Partnerships
- Religion in Schools
- Search & Seizure
- Selling
- Sex Education Policy
- School Discipline
- Student Insurance
- Student Support Services
- Textbooks
- transportation
- Visitors/Volunteers
- Withdrawal Procedures
- Transcripts
General Information
Valencia Elementary adheres to all CDC/DOH/LLS current COVID safety protocols, please see the district website for more information.
Students are not to arrive on campus before 9:05 a.m. Parents please do not bring your child to school before that time, as no one is on duty to ensure your child’s safety. If your child arrives to school prior to 9:05 a.m., you will be contacted to pick up your child. Upon arrival, all students are to go directly to the cafeteria.
9:05 a.m. Student arrival time
9:05 – 9:20 Breakfast grab and go to classroom
9:20 a.m. Class bell
10:50 – 1:05 Lunch and recess time
3:35 p.m. Student dismissal
In order to ensure the safety of our students at dismissal time, please observe the following procedures:
Vehicle Pick-Up – A name placard will be issued to students the first day of school and must be present in the vehicle in order to pick up your student from school. If you are picking up your child at dismissal time, please enter the school campus at the north-east entrance and proceed along the front of the school to receive your child at the designated area. Staff members will guide you through the pick-up area. Students are not allowed to meet you in the parking lot. Students must wait for parents to pull up to designated area and enter vehicle safely. If you do not have a name placard, you will be required to park and present your driver’s license in the office. Whoever is picking up the student must be listed on the child’s emergency contact list.
Parent Pick-Up – All parents picking up their students must drive thru the pick-up line. If at all possible, avoid picking your child up before the end of the school day, as this interrupts important instruction at the close of the day. Students will not be dismissed between 3:20 and 3:35 p.m. unless in the case of an emergency.
Parents who are late picking up their child after school must pick them up from the front office.
Please send a note to your teacher via agenda or email if your child’s transportation method for the day changes. We cannot accept a phone call requesting the change.
Bus Dismissal- Students will be dismissed when all buses are loaded. Once buses are moving for departure, they are not allowed to stop to release a student other than at their assigned stop.
Parent Teacher Conferences/Early Release
All Learner Days
The Los Lunas School District has established several days to be used for staff development during the school year. Students will not attend school on these days. Instead of school, students will be working on a year-long project. Staff development days enable staff to participate in professional growth activities designed to improve the quality of instruction to students.
In the event of inclement weather, the Los Lunas Schools will operate on an abbreviated day schedule. The start time of school will be two hours later than usual; dismissal time will remain the same. The bus schedule will also be two hours later. The abbreviated school day for Valencia will be from 11:05 a.m. to 3:35 p.m.
There will be no morning recess and all lunches will be as regularly scheduled.
TV stations that will relay the abbreviated day information are KOB, KRQE, and KOAT. Radio stations KRQE, KABQ, and KOB (Albuquerque) will also report the above information. In addition, parents and guardians will receive an automated parent notification from Los Lunas Schools.
Los Lunas Schools has designated October and February to build parent/teacher communication and to report student progress. We strongly urge your participation at Valencia. Students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. on these days.
Report cards are issued at the end of each grading period. These report cards reflect achievement in class work, attendance and behavior.
1st Nine Weeks – October 2023
2nd Nine Weeks – January 2024
3rd Nine Weeks – March 2023
4th Nine Weeks – May 2024
In addition to the report cards, ALL students will receive progress reports halfway through each grading period:
September 2023
November 2023
February 2024
April 2024
Parent/Teacher Committee (PTC)
The PTC usually meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month after school at 3:45p.m. Meetings will be either in person or held virtually on Zoom. There may be a month where a meeting may change due to upcoming school events or unforeseen circumstances.
It is required by the New Mexico Compulsory School Attendance Law, (NMSA 1978 Sect. 22-21-1 to 22-12-8), that all school age students attend school. School age students are identified as individuals ages 5-18.
NOTE: If you are faced with long-term illness or disability, contact the office as soon as possible for assistance.
If a student has extended absences, the school will send a preliminary notice through the mail notifying parents of the student’s frequent absences. A conference with the principal will be required at that time. If absences continue, a referral to the district truancy program will be initiated.
It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up assignments prior to or upon return to school from an absence. Parents and students are encouraged to email teachers to obtain make-up work. The student will have the opportunity to complete the work in a period of time equal to the number of days absent.
All students shall be expected to attend school during the Academic School Year, in accordance with the Compulsory School Attendance Law (22-12- to 22-12-7 NMSA 1978). Under the district’s Attendance Plan, progressive disciplinary action will be taken against any student who is truant. Under a cooperative agreement, referrals can be made to the Valencia County District Attorney’s Office, if students/families fail to comply with the Compulsory School Attendance Law.
When a student cannot attend school, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to notify the school office of the child’s absence. Parent/guardian’s should call the school on the date of the absence. Additionally, when the child returns to school, parents are required to send a note with the child indicating the date and reason for the absence. In order for an absence to be noted as documented, written documentation must be received within 24 hours.
If a student is absent, they will be able to log into their Canvas account and receive instructions on work to be completed.
Students are expected to make every effort to be on time for school. Students who arrive after the tardy bell must report to the office. Students must be signed in at the office by a parent/guardian. If tardiness becomes a chronic problem, a parent conference may be requested. Students with excessive tardiness will not be eligible for perfect attendance.
Alternative Language Services
Bullying and cyber bullying behavior by any student in the Los Lunas Schools is strictly prohibited, and such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. “Bullying” means any repeated and pervasive written, verbal or electronic expression, physical act or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to cause distress upon one or more students in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop, or at school activities or sanctioned events. Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior that involves a true imbalance of power that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have an effect of:
Key factors in bullying include:
• Power and control (Who has the most power? There’s always an imbalance of power in bullying cases.)
• The act is repeated over time.
• There has to be intent to harm or injure
Bullying includes, but is not limited to, hazing, harassment, intimidation or menacing acts of a student which may, but need not be, based on the student's race, color, sex, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect on others, placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm or damage to the student's property or physically harming a student or damaging a student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school's educational mission or education of any student.
Students and parents may file verbal or written complaints concerning suspected bullying (including cyber bullying) behavior to school personnel and administrators. Any report of suspected bullying behavior will be promptly reviewed. If acts of bullying are verified, prompt disciplinary action may be taken against the perpetrator, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion.
Any act by use of transmitted communication, either by electronic devices or other transmittal device that subjects persons to indignity, humiliation, physical abuse or threat of physical abuse, social or other isolation, shame or disgrace. This also includes direct or indirect communication of social networking sites. Examples of cyber bullying include:
• Posting slurs, rumors or other disparaging remarks about a student or staff member on any website.
• Sending email, text, or instant messages that are harassing or threatening in nature directly.
• Taking and sending an unauthorized and/or unwanted photograph of a student or staff member.
• Using any unauthorized electronic transmission to threaten, intimidate, or harass by means of direct or indirect contact.
Cyberbullying is defined as bullying behavior but through electronic means. See definition of bullying above
For additional information regarding the Los Lunas Schools Intimidation, Harassment, Bullying and Cyber Bullying Policy, refer to the Los Lunas School Board Policy.
Classroom placements
Classroom placements are based on criteria designed to promote a quality instructional setting for our students. Efforts are directed toward placing students to achieve a balance of boys/girls, achievement levels, language needs, and social skills. Teachers complete pupil placement forms, which provide classroom information on student achievement levels, social skills and learning styles. Every effort is made to place students in a learning environment which will address their individual needs.
Dress Code
Valencia Elementary Dress Code guidelines are listed below. The responsibility to interpret and enforce the policy rests with each site administrator. Within each school’s guidelines, students and their parents / guardians have the right to determine the dress and personal appearance of students.
Exceptions to this right however are:
• When dress or appearance presents a health or safety hazard;
• When dress or appearance is in violation of municipal or state law;
• When dress and appearance presents a potential for disruption to the instructional program;
• When dress and appearance advertises, displays, or promotes any drug including alcohol or tobacco;
• When dress and appearance displays disrespect, and/or bigotry towards any group.
Due to the possibility of injury, appropriate shoes should be worn. No flip flops, open toe sandals, high heeled shoes or Heelys are allowed at school.
No altered clothing is allowed, such as, but not limited to: torn or shredded jeans, shirts with straps narrower than 2-inches, undershirts, muscle shirts, halter tops, tube tops, off the shoulder or low-cut clothing, tight or short shorts or skirts, bare midriffs, sagging or excessively baggy pants, nor belts hanging down from the waist. Fingertip measurement, with hands down at sides, will be the standard for all skirts and shorts. At no time should undergarments be seen. As a rule of thumb: skin showing between the bottom of the shirt/blouse and the top of pants or skirts is not allowed. Skin showing through shredded jeans above the knee is not allowed and leggings should be worn underneath.
Clothing, jewelry or displaying gang or alcohol-related wording, profane or vulgar language, sexually suggestive, negative statements or abusive language is not allowed. Shaved eyebrows or body piercings, other than ears will not be allowed. Other clothing, such as but not limited to: language, symbols or graphics in “uniform colors” or with symbolism and/or insignias which suggest illicit behavior, gang affiliation, harassment or abuse, is not allowed. If the staff and administration feel that clothing identifying groups of gangs cause disruptions at school or cause personal danger to the wearer, that person or persons directly responsible will not be allowed to wear said clothing.
Any clothing or accessories that may be considered a disruption or dangerous to the student or others will not be permitted.
Administration reserves the right to determine what is dangerous, disruptive, or distractive. Administration will determine what will be allowed.
Hats will not be allowed to be worn inside buildings. They may only be worn outside, to include winter hats/beanies.
Emergency Drills
By law, emergency evacuation drills must be conducted periodically. Students should move quickly and quietly through the assigned exit or the nearest exit. Students will exit with their teacher. The teacher will take roll and give any additional instructions needed. The teacher will take the students back to the classroom when the “all clear” signal is given.
Enrollment Procedures
New students will register online at Following the online registration, parents/guardians must bring the following information to the school:
• Official Birth Certificate
• Current Immunization Records
• Proof of Residency
Hospital certificates or baptismal records will not be accepted as Birth Certificates. Official Birth Certificates can be obtained from the Bureau of Vital Statistics in the state where the child was born.
Parents/Guardians of all returning students must complete the returning student online registration.
Proof of residency is required to determine enrollment in the correct school boundary area. Students living outside the school boundary area must apply for an Out of District/Boundary Transfer through the District Office. Transfer forms will be available through the District webpage. Transfer students (Out of District/Boundary) will be registered only after the school office receives approval of the Transfer Request through Los Lunas Schools District Office.
1. Diphtheria
2. Tetanus
3. Measles
4. Pertussis
5. Poliomyelitis
6. Rubella
7. Chicken Pox
By law, immunization records must be on file indicating that students have been properly inoculated. Failure to submit immunization records is grounds to dis-enroll the student until proof of inoculation is submitted.
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during school hours by themselves or with any person other than the individuals shown on the Emergency Procedures Card unless prior arrangements with the office have been made. Parents MUST sign out their child in the office at which time the student will be called from class. Students will not be allowed to be removed from the school bus once they have boarded the bus.
ONLY PERSONS INDICATED ON THE EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST MAY CHECK OUT A STUDENT! Anyone checking a student out will be required to show a valid ID.
Field trips
Field trips are designed to enrich students’ learning. Students must have a written permission form signed by a parent or legal guardian on file prior to leaving on the trip. Failure to return a signed permission form prior to the trip will result in the student’s inability to participate. Students are expected to follow all school rules during each field trip. Parent volunteers assisting with field trip activities are expected to model appropriate behavior and dress appropriately to promote positive learning experiences. Parent volunteers work under the direction of the teacher to supervise and facilitate learning activities. Younger siblings or students enrolled or not enrolled in our school are not permitted on field trips. Field trip privileges may be revoked from students who pose a threat to themselves or others or who are consistently disruptive at school. Parents are not allowed to ride the bus. Parents wishing to transport their children from the field trip must complete the appropriate form from the office.
Multi-media resources such as CD, DVD and videos can explain or enhance a specific concept or objective being taught at Valencia Elementary. Other videos are presented to our children to enhance, motivate, or clarify educational objectives. Only “G” and “PG” rated movies may be shown at Valencia Elementary. All videos shown must be approved by administration through the Valencia Elementary Video Proposal Form and placed on file in the principal’s office.
The intent of homework is to reinforce basic skills and to enrich the classroom curriculum. The classroom teacher will assign specific homework. Homework is not part of a student’s content grade; however, it does receive a rating for student responsibility. Parents are to assist their children in their efforts to complete all homework assignments.
Lost & Found
Non-Educational Items
All items not pertaining to school must be left at home. This includes, but is not limited to: cell phones, toys, cameras, radios, baseball bats, baseballs, basketballs, footballs, trading cards, electronic games, make-up, hair spray, pagers, etc. We encourage your child to only bring homework, class work, and items or projects directly associated to academic learning. If students do bring such non-educational items to school, they will be held in the office for one of the student’s parents/guardians to retrieve. If the student brings the item to school a second time, the item will be held in the office until the last day of school, at which time the student’s parent can pick up the item. If such items are lost or stolen, the school assumes no responsibility.
Positive Behavior Supports
Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. It is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school-wide and classroom behavior support systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. Rather than a prescribed program, PBIS provides systems for schools to design, implement and evaluate effective, school-wide, classroom, non-classroom and student specific plans. PBIS includes school-wide procedures and processes intended for all students and all staff in all settings. PBIS is a team-based process for systemic problem solving, planning and evaluations. It is an approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students have the opportunity to learn. PBIS supports the concept that in order to be successful, schools must create settings and routines where expectations are understood, attainable and positive for all involved. We, at Valencia Elementary, have set expectations for our students’ behaviors in all areas of our school campus. These expectations will be taught and reinforced throughout the year using consistent language school wide. Emphasis will be on reinforcing positive behavior and providing students with the tools necessary to be productive citizens.
School Wide Expectations |
PRIDE in self, school & community |
Accountability |
Willing Attitude |
Safety |
Classrooms: includes music, PE, library & computer labs |
Be on time! Always do your best. Believe in yourself. |
Follow classroom rules. Be prepared. Phones are off and in backpacks. |
Come to school ready to LEARN. Be patient. Cooperate with all adults. |
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Toys and games stay at home (this includes sports equipment). Must always have an adult in the room with you. |
Office |
State your purpose politely. Use inside voice. Use kind words (please, thank you, excuse me). |
Be honest. Be considerate. Be ready to problem solve. |
Wait your turn to speak. Be patient. |
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Wait your turn. |
Cafeteria |
Use inside voices. When released to empty tray, check the floor and pick up any trash. |
Remain seated until time to return to class. Clean area around you. All food and drink stay in the cafeteria. |
Use appropriate language for school. Respect others’ personal space. Use good manners. |
Walk in a single file line when entering and leaving. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. |
Bathrooms |
Flush the toilet. Keep water in the sink. Keep the bathroom clean and graffiti free. |
Enter and exit quietly. Return to room promptly. Report vandalism or problems to an adult. |
Use the bathroom quickly and quietly. Follow all rules. |
WASH YOUR HANDS! Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Avoid groups. |
Bus Area |
Be prepared. Have all belongings ready and in-hand. |
Know and follow the rules. |
Offer assistance. Be patient and considerate in line and on the bus. |
Walk in single file line with staff until told to get on the bus. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. |
Playground |
Keep the area clean. Take care of the equipment. |
Listen to staff. Play fair. Know and follow the rules. |
Practice good sportsmanship. Use kind words. Invite others to play. |
Obey equipment and game rules. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. On recess days, wait for teacher to pick you up. |
Courtyard |
Keep area clean. Respect and protect all plants and landscaping. |
Talk quietly. Transition quickly. |
Speak kindly. Follow staff instructions. |
Walking only. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Use amphitheater only with an adult. |
Foyer |
Keep it clean. Put backpacks along the wall. Respect items on bulletin boards. |
Respect others’ property. Use inside voices. Transition quickly. Obey enter and exit signs. |
Follow staff instructions. Offer assistance. |
Walk only. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. |
Pods |
Keep it clean. Respect items on bulletin boards. Put backpacks along the wall. |
Use whisper voices. Transition quickly. |
Offer assistance. Be courteous and friendly. |
Wait outside until escorted by teacher. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. |
Parent Pick Up |
Keep area clean. Be prepared. Have all belongings ready and in hand. |
Know the correct procedures. Use quiet voices. Watch for your vehicle. |
Follow staff directions. When told, quickly get to your vehicle. |
Stay in a single file line with staff. Stay on the sidewalk. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. |
Promoting Positive Partnerships
Every parent/guardian will receive information on how to access the Student Handbook which will be online via the Los Lunas School web page. Our Handbook is an addition to the District Los Lunas Schools Student Behavior Handbook.
The school newsletter, Power School Announcement System, classroom newsletters, and other notices will be sent home to inform parents of school and classroom activities. Please set aside time to read this information with, or to, your child.
Classroom teachers use a variety of ways to keep parents informed of individual student progress. Phone calls, notes, student agendas, Bloomz, Class Dojo, Remind, Canvas, or personal conferences between teacher and parent help keep the lines of communication open. The first link in the communication network should be between the parent and the child’s teacher. Parents who have questions, concerns or suggestions about their child or the instructional program are asked to contact the teacher by sending a note to school or calling the office (505-865-3017) to arrange a conference.
The primary purpose of the Parent/Student Complaints and Grievances School Board Policy is to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of parent/student complaints as close to the source of the complaint as possible. Therefore, parents/students should address the issue or complaint at the level where the issue arose (i.e., the teacher, coach). (Note: For grievances involving athletics, refer to board policy).
If the complaint is not resolved, only then should the complaint proceed to the assistant principal, the principal, the assistant superintendent, the superintendent and as a final arbiter, the Board of Education.
The following timeline shall be followed:
1. The aggrieved parent or student shall have a right to be heard orally by the instructor who shall render a decision within three (3) school days.
2. If the parent or student is not satisfied, the grievance shall be presented in writing within three (3) school days to the principal or designee who shall render a decision in writing within three (3) school days.
3. If the parent or student is still not satisfied, he/she shall within three (3) school days appeal to the assistant superintendent or superintendent. The grievance will be heard within three (3) school days and a response rendered within ten (10) school days.
a. The person seeking reconsideration must explain in the written grievance why he or she believes the factual information in the investigative findings was incomplete, the analysis of the facts was incorrect, and/or the appropriate legal standard was not applied and how this would have changed the instructor’s or administrator’s determination of the matter. Failure to do so may result in the immediate closure of the request for reconsideration.
b. The Grievance will be heard within three (3) school days and the instructor or administrator hearing the grievance shall conduct an informal reconsideration hearing with the alleged victim(s) and their parents/guardians and the assigned investigator, if any. The person seeking reconsideration shall specify the grounds for reconsideration limited to those contained in the written grievance. The instructor or administrator or investigator shall provide rebuttal information as deemed to be relevant. However, the information presented in the hearing shall be in compliance with the confidentiality provisions of state and federal law pertaining to the confidentiality of student and employee information and records, including but not limited to, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”), 20 U.S.C. § 1417(c); 34 C.F.R. § 300.560; Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) and the Inspection of Public Records Act (“IPRA”), N.M. Stat. Ann. § 14-2-1 et. seq. (2005), as amended and re-codified in the future.
c. No record will be made of the proceeding and the instructor or administrator conducting the hearing may require the attendance of other School District employees at the reconsideration hearing as he or she deems appropriate for the resolution of the request. The person seeking reconsideration, however, shall have no right of legal representation at the hearing and shall not be allowed to have any other third parties in attendance. The person seeking reconsideration shall not be allowed or permitted to make a recording of the hearing. The School District shall provide for an appropriate interpreter, as necessary, to facilitate sufficient communication between the parties at the hearing, and the interpreter shall be allowed to attend the entire hearing, subject to the procedural requirements with regard to the confidentiality of the alleged victim’s student information and records under the IDEA and FERPA, as applicable.
d. A written response to the grievance will be rendered within ten (10) school days.
e. The Superintendent may extend the time for conducting the reconsideration hearing as the Superintendent deems appropriate not to exceed five school days. The Superintendent may also extend the time for the written response as the Superintendent deems appropriate not to exceed five school days.
4. The Superintendent of Schools shall be the final appeal authority on any such request for reconsideration under this Policy.
5. If determination of a grievance depends on the interpretation of a Board Policy or a provision or term used in a Board Policy, in that the parent or student is not satisfied with the Superintendent’s interpretation of the Board Policy, the Superintendent has to bring the matter of the interpretation to the Board of Education within ten (10) school days. The Board shall hear the grievance only as to the disputed interpretation of its policy within thirty (30) days and render a decision within one (1) calendar month.
Religion in Schools
The Board recognizes that religion has played an undeniable role in the formation of the world’s peoples, its civilizations, the foundation of our country, and the lives of its citizens. The place of religion in our society should be recognized as an important one.
At the same time, under the Constitution of the United States, our schools may neither actively sponsor, nor interfere with, religion.
The proper role of religion in the public schools is in its educational value in the study of subjects such as history, literature, and art, and in non-religious recognition of the place of religion in society. In that capacity, and when appropriate within the curriculum, the subject of religion can provide a basis for schools to teach our children about various belief systems, and their current and historical impact on human culture. The nonreligious study of religion also provides a basis for the schools to play a vital role in instilling understanding, tolerance and mutual respect among people of different backgrounds.
Any student may be excused from school to participate in religious instruction for not more than one class period each school day, at a time period not in conflict with the academic program of the school, in accordance with the following procedure. The District administration shall develop a form for Request for Release Time, which includes the following criteria, and such other information as is appropriate for administration of this policy.
The parent or legal guardian of the student shall provide a written consent to the principal of the school in which the student is enrolled, prior to the student’s release. The parent or legal guardian shall identify and include the address and telephone number of the person to whom the student shall be released, if other than the parent or legal guardian, and shall be responsible for assuring that the requested release period does not conflict with the student’s academic schedule. By signing the Request for Release Time consenting to the student’s release for religious instruction, the parent or legal guardian also agrees to assume all responsibility for the released student, and to waive any claim against the Board and District arising from, or relating to, acts or occurrences involving the student during the release period, including, but not limited to, tort claims, and claims for failure to provide an appropriate instructional program.
The parent or legal guardian shall be responsible for arrangements to transport the student to or from the school during the release time.
Except for the authorized period of release time, the student shall comply with and be subject to all District policies, including the District and school site’s attendance policies.
No religious instruction shall be conducted on school property or by any School District employee or member of the School Board.
The District shall not incur any cost or expense in connection with any approved student release for religious instruction.
*Standards are the grade level skills students should know and be able to do.
*Standards define achievement very specifically.
*Standards describe what is to be taught from grade to grade.
Common Core State Standards are skills that each grade level is required to learn.
The staff of Valencia Elementary sets high expectations for students. Standards Based Grades will be determined by student performances as measured by the district competencies, established for each grade level across the curriculum. Assessment is based on daily work, independent work skills, group work skills, pre and post-tests, and discussion through whole and cooperative learning groups. Student responsibilities for learning and behavior are determined by participation, collaborative relationships, homework, and organizational skills.
Standards-based Report Card Ratings/Performance Levels
• 5 – Distinguished: consistently exceeds grade level standards independently.
• 4 – Strong Command: consistently meets grade level standards independently.
• 3 – Moderate Command: demonstrates a moderate command of grade level standards with limited assistance.
• 2 – Partial Command: demonstrates partial command of grade level standards. The student is making progress but requires frequent assistance.
• 1 – Minimal Command: is not progressing toward grade level standards even with frequent assistance.
What Do the Performance Levels Mean?
It is important to remember that all grade level learning standards are end-of-year expectations. It is appropriate for the student to perform at a “2” when first learning a concept. The goal is for the student to perform at a “4” by the end of the year.
The ratings on the report card should be understood as a “work in progress” which is not the traditional grading system as that of the old letter grading. To understand the ratings they must not be compared.
Report Card Competency / Performance Levels
Report card competencies show what students should know and be able to do. They are specific to content (subject) and grade level. Most importantly, they are what teachers are responsible for teaching and what students are responsible for learning. Report Card Competencies will always be referred to when assessing a student and will be discussed during Parent-Teacher Conferences to explain the student’s learning.
Search & Seizure
In accordance with New Mexico State Board of Education policy, school property assigned to a student, and a student’s person or property while under the authority of the public schools are subject to search, and items found are subject to seizure. The search may be conducted by an administrator, teacher, school bus driver, or other authorized school personnel.
The search may be conducted when there is reasonable suspicion that a crime or other breach of disciplinary rule is occurring or has occurred.
The search may also occur when there is reasonable cause to believe that a search is necessary to help maintain school discipline.
Searches of school property may be conducted with or without students present. When the student is not present, another authorized person shall serve as a witness whenever possible. Personal property and school property is subject to the same rule. Illegal items and items which are used to disrupt or interfere with the educational process may be seized by authorized persons (SBE Reg. No. 81-3).
Sex Education Policy
School Discipline
The Los Lunas Schools Discipline Handbook establishes expectations for all students. The handbook is accessible on the LLPS Safety & Security website. All revisions, corrections, or additions will be posted regularly on the website. The website document will be considered current and takes precedent over any and all previously printed handbook editions. All schools follow the approved guidelines for discipline outlined in the Los Lunas School District Discipline Handbook.
Students who choose to disregard a school or classroom rule must be prepared to accept the consequences for their actions. Consequences include, but are not limited to:
• A verbal warning and an opportunity to correct the action.
• Conflict mediation/referral to counselor.
• The loss of privileges such as participation in school assemblies or field trips.
• The loss of one or more recesses.
• Removal from the group or activity (Time Out or In School Suspension); and
• Removal from the school setting (Out of School Suspension).
If a student receives a verbal warning for disregarding a school rule and does not immediately correct the action, the staff member on duty may issue the student a "Behavior Concern Slip". Any student who receives three (3) "Behavior Concern Slips" for the same behavior, will receive a referral and be sent to the principal’s office. Teachers will send a copy of documented prior infractions and interventions with the student.
When a student's behavior endangers the safety of others or significantly interferes with the instructional process, the student will be immediately removed from the setting and referred to the Assistant Principal or the Principal. The principals, or designee, will notify the parents and schedule a conference to discuss the incident. The student will be assigned out of school suspension until the conference is held. The outcome of the conference will determine action to be taken to correct the situation.
In conjunction with State of New Mexico mandates, the Los Lunas School District administers several testing assessments. These tests help determine student progress, and enable us to make comparisons on the national and state levels. These test scores are used to plan curriculum and teaching strategies. Various other assessments are conducted throughout the school year to assess student progress.
During breakfast or lunch every student is expected to demonstrate courteous and responsible behavior. Each student is expected to:
• Enter the cafeteria and stand in line quietly.
• Eat food properly using utensils in an appropriate manner.
• Use a quiet voice for conversation at the table.
• Respect the instructions of the staff members on duty; and
• Eat your food in the cafeteria.
The staff at Valencia Elementary makes a consistent effort to provide a positive learning environment for all students. Each classroom teacher develops classroom rules that set expectations for student behavior in the classroom. It is the intent of the administration to support individual classroom management plans. Teachers will send home specific classroom management plans during the first week of school.
The Playground Code of Conduct must be followed at all times. Our actions are guided by key questions: Is it safe? Is it courteous? Is it my best?
• Use the stairs to get to the top of the slide.
• Take turns. Only one person on the slide at a time.
• Sit down to slide with your legs out in front of you.
• Swing back and forth only.
• Take turns. One person on a swing at a time.
• Make sure the area is clear before you begin to swing.
• No jumping off or twisting on the swings.
• Bars are for climbing. Do not jump from the bars. No cherry drops.
• Tag is not allowed on the jungle gym or bars.
Student Insurance
Student Support Services
Counseling services are available to all students. Parents may request counseling services for their child by contacting their child’s teacher or the counselor. To set up an appointment with the counselor, please call the Valencia Elementary office at 505-865-3017.
Immunization requirements are listed under Enrollment Procedures. A licensed/certified school nurse directs the health services program and will administer medications to children at school ONLY WITH WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION BY THE CHILD’S DOCTOR AND BY THE PARENT/GUARDIAN AND ONLY IF THE ORIGINAL PHARMACY LABEL IS ON THE MEDICATION CONTAINER. If written authorization is not provided, the parent/guardian may come to school to give the medication to their child. All medication, which is brought to school, must be taken to the nurse’s office. THE MEDICATION POLICY INCLUDES BOTH PRESCRIPTION DRUGS AND OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS.
If your child has any existing medical condition, please notify the Nurse, Administrative office, and your child’s teacher, in writing, to make sure the condition is noted on your child’s medical records and emergency information completed during registration in the Parent Portal.
In case a potentially serious injury or illness occurs at school the nursing staff or office staff will:
1. Attempt to contact the parent/guardian both at home and/or at work and explain the nature of the injury or illness and determine the actions the parent/guardian wishes for the school to take.
2. If the school personnel is unable to reach the parent/guardian, they will call the person(s) listed as the EMERGENCY CONTACT and/or the family physician on the student’s registration form.
3. If school personnel are unable to reach either the parents or emergency contact, a rescue unit will be called and the student may be transported to the Los Lunas Family Medical Center or to the medical unit listed on the registration form.
4. If the injury or illness appears “life threatening,” the school personnel will move to step 3 immediately and then attempt to contact parents.
Library services are available to all students in the district. Students visit the library on a scheduled basis. Notices of overdue, lost or damaged books are sent home on a regular basis.
The music program is focused on providing a sound foundation in singing and instrumental skills. Beginning in kindergarten, children are actively engaged in singing, moving to music and playing simple instruments. In addition to fun engaging musical activities, first graders learn to read music notation expanding this skill through sixth grade. Tonal instruments such as xylophones and no tonal instruments such as drums are used throughout the elementary experience that teach children about beat, rhythm, musical accompaniment and ensemble playing. Recorders are introduced beginning in fourth grade which become an integral part of teaching children the fundamentals of playing a wind instrument and reading musical notation. Literacy is incorporated through the use of the books as children create musical sounds and compositions making stories a musical experience. Most importantly, the music program is designed to give children an experience of self-accomplishment and a love of music.
Students will participate in PE in an outdoor setting as much as possible thru the end of the year. Students are provided with a range of activities to promote fitness and good health through our Physical Education Program. Our Physical Education Instructor designs a well-rounded program based on the developmental needs of our students. The program provides opportunities for students to develop responsibility through cooperative play. Our students also participate in physical fitness assessments during the school year.
Social work services are available to students in special education as designated by their IEP. Parents may request social work services for their child by contacting their child’s teacher or the social worker. To schedule an appointment with the social worker, please call the Valencia Elementary office at 505-865-3017.
Los Lunas Schools provide a full range of Special Education programs to students who meet eligibility requirements. Students may qualify for Special Education placement only after an appropriate referral and diagnostic evaluation is completed. Referrals are made only after wide ranges of alternative strategies have been used to assist a child in the regular classroom. Parents are notified of any referral and must give permission for testing. An Individual Education Plan meeting is held with parents and staff to determine the most appropriate educational program placement for the child. Parents are notified of eligibility and must give permission for any special education program placement.
Students who qualify for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may have modifications or accommodations included in the IEP to be successful within the general education curriculum. When a student has met the eligibility requirements for an IEP, the team will use the evaluation results to determine which accommodations and modifications the student needs to be successful.
The Student Assistance Team (SAT), which includes school staff, parents and the student (when appropriate), is a team that uses a positive, problem-solving intervention process. The purpose of the SAT is to create a learning environment that contributes to the achievement, well-being, and success of students, parents, and school staff members. This is a general education process that uses a systematic, positive, problem-solving approach to clarify problems and concerns, develop strategies, mobilize and coordinate resources, provide for a system of accountability with measurable outcomes, and lead to success for all students. SAT assists students by ensuring that the school and community are doing everything possible to help students succeed. Students are most successful when there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home, school, and community. Based on this shared responsibility, the SAT meets to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of students, and that supports teachers and parents. The SAT includes the most important people in the student’s life; parents or caregivers, teachers, counselors, specialists, wellness staff, school administrators or designees, and any other school or community members who can provide support. SAT intervention plans require participants to look at the student in a holistic manner. Each element in the SAT process provides essential information that assists the team in developing a successful intervention plan based upon student strengths.
All students at Valencia Elementary have been issued an iPad, charger and access to school applications such as Canvas and Zoom. Students are responsible for safety of equipment. Parents and students will complete a yearly iPad usage form to acknowledge receiving the device and understand that any damage to the device will be assessed and parent/guardian notified of the costs.
The purpose of this policy is to provide the procedures, rules and guidelines for the use of technology and the information network in the Los Lunas School District. Use of such technology is a necessary element of the School District educational mission, but is furnished to staff and students as a privilege, not a right. The School District seeks to protect legitimate users of technology by establishing limits on such use and sanctions for those who abuse the privilege. Eliminating computer abuse provides more computing resources for users with legitimate needs.
The telephone in the office is a busy one and students will NOT be allowed to use it except in emergencies. Parents/guardians are encouraged to refrain from using the phone to relay messages except in emergency instances. The office will make reasonable attempts to deliver messages to students.
Textbooks and library books are furnished at public expense to each student. The students are responsible for the proper care and return of the books. A fine will be charged for the loss, destruction, or misuse of the textbooks or library books issued to students. If a student withdraws from school, he/she must check in the books that were issued to them, before the withdrawal process can be finalized.
The Los Lunas School District provides transportation to students who qualify for transportation under N.M. State Law. Transportation is a privilege. Anytime students ride a school bus, they must obey state and local regulations, which govern transportation. Students residing in designated hazardous walking areas will receive transportation. All other students are required to walk or be transported by parent/guardians. Parents are asked to assist with implementation and enforcement of rules to ensure school bus rider safety. Questions regarding student transportation should be directed to the Supervisor of Transportation (866-2147).
Visitors allowed on campus only with prior administrator approval.
Visitors and volunteers are required to register in the office upon arriving at school and receive prior approval. Parents who spend more than one day a week in the classroom need to complete the approved volunteer packet provided by the Los Lunas Schools Personnel office. The packet includes an application and background check. Volunteers must exhibit appropriate dress and grooming to promote a positive, safe, and healthy learning environment for students.
Withdrawal Procedures
Parents are encouraged to notify the office 24 hours prior to withdrawal.
A student who is withdrawing or transferring from the Los Lunas Schools should follow this procedure:
1. Students under the age of 18 will not be allowed to check out of school without a parent/guardian.
2. Pick up a withdrawal form from the office.
3. Have teacher, librarian, nurse and principal sign the form.
4. Check all books and iPad with charger in to the teachers.
5. Pay all fines. New Mexico law provides that records may not be released unless all student fines and fees are paid.